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Pet Care Tips

Why is my dog losing balance and shaking?

Why is my dog losing balance and shaking?

If your dog is staggering, stumbling, or falling over, it may be the result of a variety of medical issues, including injury, stroke, poisoning, or an infection. Here, our Orange Park vets explain why you should get to a veterinary hospital right away.

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Chronic Otitis in Dogs

Chronic Otitis in Dogs

Chronic otitis is a long-term ear infection that can affect any dog and cause itchy, painful, and smelly ears. Today, our Orange Park vets will discuss chronic otitis in a dog's ear, the signs, and how it is treated.

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Fungal Infections in Cats: Skin, Ears, and Nose

Fungal Infections in Cats: Skin, Ears, and Nose

Fungal diseases in cats not only make them uncomfortable, they can also have a major impact on the overall health of your feline friend. In today's post, our Orange Park vets explain some of the causes, symptoms, and treatments for fungal infection in cats.

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Scabby Cat Disease: How to Treat Feline Miliary Dermatitis

Scabby Cat Disease: How to Treat Feline Miliary Dermatitis

Miliary dermatitis is a cutaneous reaction pattern that is only seen in cats. Because the cat's skin starts to look 'scabby', the more colloquial term for the condition is scabby cat disease. Today, our Orange Park vets discuss miliary dermatitis in cats, what causes it, and if immunotherapy can help with the condition.

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Most Common Cat Food Allergies

Most Common Cat Food Allergies

Some cats may have allergies to certain foods. This can cause skin itchiness, vomiting, or diarrhea. Today, our Orange Park veterinarians will discuss food allergies in cats, the symptoms, and what you can do to help.

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Mold Allergy in Dogs: Symptoms & Treatment

Mold Allergy in Dogs: Symptoms & Treatment

Mold allergies in dogs are common and can make your dog miserable. Because dogs are smaller than humans, they are more likely to inhale mold if there is any in the home. This increases a dog's chance of developing mold-related allergies. Today, our Orange Park vets share tips on how you can prevent mold allergies in dogs and how mold allergies are treated should your dog succumb to them.

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Nutrition, Skin, & Dogs

Nutrition, Skin, & Dogs

Just like in people, our dogs' skin is their largest organ. When combined with their coat, it makes up 12% of the average dog's body weight. What you may not know is that your dog's daily nutrition can have a significant impact on the health and condition of its skin and coat. Here, our Orange Park vets explain the relationship between your dog's skin, coat, and its diet.

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Ruptured Eardrums in Dogs

Ruptured Eardrums in Dogs

Is your dog simply ignoring you, or do they have a ruptured eardrum? Today, our Orange Park vets discuss how to know if your dog has a ruptured eardrum.

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Dandruff in Dogs

Dandruff in Dogs

Has your pooch been leaving behind white flakes on their favorite spot on the couch? Your canine companion might have dandruff, which could be a sign of health problems. Join our Orange Park vets to learn about signs and treatments for dandruff in dogs. 

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Why are my cat's nails splitting?

Why are my cat's nails splitting?

Cats regularly shed the outer layers of their nails. They typically remove the outer layer by scratching something and leaving a small claw-shaped nail behind, revealing the shiny and sharp new claw beneath. However, this is sometimes not the case, and your cat's nails could be splintering for other reasons. Today, our Orange Park vets will go over other reasons your cat's nails might split.

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New Patients Welcome

Animal Friends Dermatology is accepting new patients! Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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